Environmental Justice: Funding Community Activists and Land Rights

Wednesday, October 5, 2022 9:00AM - 10:00AM PDT


Global Philanthropy Forum

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Event Details

What happens when you enable those living on the land agency over decision-making and resources to protect their environments and the places they call home? That is what the Environmental Justice Fund and The International Land and Forest Tenure Facility aims to find out. Dedicated to the belief that environmental justice forms a critical part of social justice struggles across the world, these two funding groups are providing grants to community leaders and activists who are designing their own responses to the climate crises directly affecting their own communities.

The Environmental Justice Fund is a fund 'by activists, for activists' and adopts a participatory grant-making model to strengthen the environmental justice movement in South Africa by supporting effective, resilient, community-led organizations. The Tenure Facility works with Indigenous Peoples and local communities across the developing world where land rights are implemented so they can thrive and expand the sustainable management and protection of their forests and lands.

Join a discussion with these organizational leaders to hear about how they are shifting power in the environmental protection and climate justice space back to the communities occupying and stewarding these lands.



Lisa Chamberlain
Executive Director, Environmental Justice Fund

Nonette Royo
Executive Director, Tenure Facility